Sunday, January 12, 2014

Week One Results

Time spent at the gym: 150 minutes (2 1/2 hours!)
Calories burned by working out: 1000 calories
Weight shift: -8 pounds

Time spent at the gym: 150 minutes
Calories burned by working out: 1000 calories
Weight shift: -8 pounds

Starting weight: 320
Current weight: 312
Goal weight: 225

  1. What exercise did you do this week? This week I focused on just getting into the routine of going to the gym, so just showing up was half the battle. I just did a brisk 3 mph walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes each day after work.
  2. What is your greatest accomplishment of the week? I had this immense craving for a cheeseburger and French fries, but I ended up making turkey burgers with a side of mixed vegetables. The same? No, not really, but it was close enough that I felt satiated, which is what counts. I'm proud of myself for finding a healthy alternative to one of my favorite things!
  3. Any setbacks this week? I developed these awesome blisters on the soles of my feet, right up against my toes. I think they're from trying to grip my socks, or something similar? The skin is starting to toughen back up, though, and this week I've got some new inserts for my shoes and am going to make sure my shoes are properly laced up before I get back out there. I don't want to limp any more.
  4. Goals for next week? I am going to go to the gym 5 days again. I'm unsure if I want to try to speed up the treadmill walking, or if I want to try out the elliptical instead. My feet are a little unsure, as well - my ankles aren't in the best shape, and so while I really enjoy the treadmill, I might have some elliptical in my future.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Hello, World!

I have always been the kind of person to start to do something, become distracted, and then flitter away to something else like a four year old set loose in a Toys R Us. Because of this, for me to be on day three of dieting and yet not flagging - well, that means that a very large part of me must really want this for herself. (thanks, Past!Patricia).

So, hi. My name is Patricia. I'm 24 years old - 25 in March - and trying to lose 95 pounds. This will put me at 225 pounds, if you can believe it. Yes, I came into this weighing that much. But do you know what? That's okay. There is power just in being willing to say it, so I hope that this will help, even if it's just a touch more. Why 95 pounds? The number "100" feels serious and impossible. It's three digits long, it's scary. But 95? That seems much more friendly and reasonable. 95? I can do 95. 100? Maybe not, but 95? Sure, why not. (plus, by the time I get to 95, what's another 5 to 100 anyway? Shh, don't tell Future!Patricia about this).

I am starting this as a two-pronged effort:

  • Counting calories on I know most people prefer MyFitnessPal, and I tried it for a while, but Sparkpeople feels much more social, and is more flashy and has things like trophies and you can "level up," which appeals to me. Give me the shiny!
  • Going to the gym at least 5 days a week. 5 is probably all that will happen - at first, at least. I work in a university, and so I get a discounted rate at the student gym. Before, it was too easy to say "Well I don't want to drive all that way, the weather is too bad ..." - now it's a block and a half from my office. Where is your excuse now, peasant? Plus, if I am spending $20 a month, this means I'm paying ~$1/day to these people if I show up or not. Might as well show up, right?
I hope that this blog can serve as hope to myself in the present, and motivation to others in the future. If I can do it then maybe, just maybe, you can - we all can. (except you. not you. well, okay. you can, too, I guess). I hope to do weekly progress posts, perhaps? Just at first. And we'll see where it goes from there!